Monday, April 09, 2007

APA return

Back in Atlanta waiting to reboard a flight to the UK. Trying not to miss the flight this time (interestingly, the plane from SF was an hour out on the "local time" it displayed on board, which might explain the previous problems).

The APA was really fun. Highlights for me included the Hudson-fest, featuring comments from Josh Parsons, Mark Heller and Michael Rae, and interesting replies to each from Hud. Also the author-meets-critics session on dialethism which Brit mentions here. I've been thinking a lot about open futures following Brit's talk on sea battle semantics, and may have some thoughts to post soon (on the plane over to Atlanta, my frantic drawing of dots and arrows trying to figure out how counterfactuals interact with open future semantics convinced my neighbour I was an astrophysicist. Must be the big axes with "time" and "reality" on them...). Andy Egan gave two really interesting papers, on fragmented minds and aesthetic disagreement, and I really enjoyed Alyssa Ney's talk on how different theories of causation fit together (or not). And lots more nice people met and good stuff talked about!

It was fun also meeting various bloggers for the first time in the flesh.

The tale of the 14 philosophers and the limousine is already legendary, I gather (I wasn't there).


Kenny said...

It was good to meet you too!

Robbie Williams said...

Hi Kenny,

Yes, good to meet up. I still want to figure out whether those surreal numbers are cheating!